Logo Chateau  Monestier La Tour

To visit the Château Monestier La Tour website, you must be of legal age to consume alcohol in your country of residence. You declare that you have read and unreservedly accept the wesite’s terms of use.

Alcohol can damage your health and should be consumed in moderation

“ What is done
     with time,
time will respect. ”

Auguste Rodin.
Logo Chateau  Monestier La Tour

Head office: Château Monestier La Tour – Scheufele family


45 rue du Château La Tour
La Tour – 24240 Monestier – France

Tel.: + 33 (0)5 53 24 18 43
Fax: + 33 (0)5 53 58 18 14
Mail: contact@chateaumonestierlatour.com




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13 rue Chaligny

75012 Paris France




Website hosting

Internet Dordogne



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Any unauthorized reproduction or distribution of all or part of the elements and information on this site is prohibited. The content is available for private, non-collective use. The French intellectual property code authorises, according to the provisions of articles L. 122-5.2° and 3°a, “copies or reproductions strictly reserved for the private use of the copyist and not intended for collective use”, and analyses and short quotations solely for the purposes of example and illustration, “any representation or reproduction in whole or in part made without the consent of the author or their beneficiaries or assigns is unlawful” (art. L. 122-4). Such representation or reproduction, by any process whatsoever, thus constitutes an infringement as specified by articles L. 335-2 and following of the French intellectual property code.


Brands and logos, hypertext links

Any use whatsoever of the brand names and logos on this site is prohibited without the authorization of Château Monestier La Tour.


Use of information

Château Monestier La Tour makes every effort to ensure content is accurate but declines any responsibility for errors or omissions concerning information published on the site.  Château Monestier La Tour cannot be held responsible for the interpretation of information on this site, or for the consequences of its use.


Data protection

In accordance with the amended French Data Protection Act no.°78-17 of 6 January 1978 and the General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter “GDPR”) no. 2016/679/EU of 27 April 2016, Château Monestier La Tour, as the data controller, guarantees the respect of the privacy of Users of the Site.

To find out more : Protection of personal data